Commonly Asked Questions

Why should I hire a professional window washer?

Hiring professional window washers (as opposed to washing your windows yourself or having someone not fully equipped with the knowledge and experience of the expert trained) will leave you in the comfort of safety, ease, and saved time! Window experts use proper safety mechanics and tools to ensure the highest level of excellence is being provided for the care of your home or enterprise. When you hire a specially trained expert to come to your home to wash your interior OR exterior windows, you know the glass and any manufactur created coatings or protectants will be treated with the best possible care with tools and chemicals that won't leave any room for damage or ware down. Not only this, but there can be concerning case-by-case basis with different level of pores in windows of certain age, special coatings and protectants, and questions that may arise such as weather proofing- that only a professional can provide the correct advice for! When you hire a professional window cleaner you guarantee the safety of your home, and yourself. You will save time and worry, as well as have the peace of mind that the job will be done to the highest of standards with only one try!

How often should windows be professionally cleaned?

Living in the Midwest, we have a very moody weather area as we all know. Most people say as a general rule of thumb, that it is safe to say you can get away with washing your home windows only twice per year. While living where we do, we deal with more rain, debris from trees, winds carrying such, and other area factors such as other precipitation forms and being next to the spraying of the sea! If you are in an area being affected by any of those or multiple facotrs listed, you want to consider cleaning your windows more often. Once per season is ideal, and our expert recommendation, in allowing your windows to become al the way clean and stably maintained throughout the seaons, allowing you to see clearly out into the beautiful nature we're surrounded with!

Businesses may clean their windows more often than the recommended four times a year. Of course, professional enterprises tend to be interested in upkeeping their first impressions and having a sparkly environment each time a customer walks in!

How much does it cost to have your windows cleaned?

In 2023, in Warren, MI, having your home's windows cleaned can cost anywhere from $100-$500 depending on the size of the house, amount of windows, window sizes, and window cleanliness are all factors that play in! Sometimes we see very dirty windows with grime from over a decade, that will need to be seen more than just the once, and that may cost more than a home that is being regularly maintained and just needs  a good seasonal wash.

The recommended amount of cleaning is 4x per year, by our professionals, to guarantee the best possible value perserving of your home. It is worth it to make the investment in hiring window washers for your home OR business enterprise!

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